by Morgan Schaefer | Aug 13, 2013 | Uncategorized, Wedding Reception Ideas, Wedding Trends
St. Joseph, Michigan is a quaint town surrounded by sandy beaches on Lake Michigan. St. Joseph takes pride of being a part of the ‘Mitten State.’ To help capture the state we are so happy to be a part of, a downtown St. Joseph store, Purely Michigan, carries several... by Morgan Schaefer | May 31, 2013 | Uncategorized
Without a doubt, your wedding day is the biggest celebration of your life. You and your guests will probably want to continue the party even after your venue closes. The question on everyone’s minds is where to go after the party has ended at The Veranda @ The... by kristin | Mar 21, 2012 | Uncategorized
I have to be honest – last spring all I could think was Pink with baby #2 due in August. So this year I am even more excited to preview wedding colors having taken a year off. Pantone’s 2012 color palet is a great one to get me back into the... by kristin | Mar 9, 2012 | Uncategorized
I have the uniquely fortunate position of managing both The Veranda @ The Whitcomb and Sunset Coast Trolley Company. It’s easy to see how the two compliment each other so very nicely. And because I often get questions about transportation needs in my role at The... by kristin | Mar 1, 2012 | Uncategorized
Well, it’s only 43 degrees here in southwest Michigan….but I’m already in a 70 degree mindset! We had a bit of a tease yesterday with sun and almost 60 so immediately I started thinking about all those spring details I love. The way the warm...