Well, it’s only 43 degrees here in southwest Michigan….but I’m already in a 70 degree mindset! We had a bit of a tease yesterday with sun and almost 60 so immediately I started thinking about all those spring details I love. The way the warm air smells (hey, if you’re from a colder climate you know exactly what I’m talking about!). The beginning of buds and green grass. The way the sun makes even a 43 degree temp feel bearable…..love it all!
Everything is so simple, and new, and beautifully fresh. Which is also what I love about spring weddings! Here are some pics that didn’t make an album (simply because they showcase my own shoddy photographic skills) but we love them for their simplistic beauty – and of course that long awaited perfect Lake Michigan view.
So enjoy! More will follow!
-kristin ♥